Journalism Support Organizations

This post was last updated on June 18, 2024.

As LION Publishers continues to grow, new and prospective members often ask us where to look for various funding, training, resources, and connection opportunities.

So to help save folks’ time researching all the other organizations out there (and there are many!), we’ve compiled a list of the most current, relevant resources and opportunities fellow journalism support organizations can provide independent news businesses. To narrow your search further, we’ve categorized this list by four questions people typically ask, depending on their needs and interests.

While this isn’t a comprehensive list, we hope it serves as a valuable starting point for navigating industry offerings. If you have any recommendations, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected].

What organizations offer memberships?

These are organizations that you can join as either an individual or a business to receive benefits. Some organizations allow non-members to participate in specific offerings.

Where can I find technology and consulting services to help boost my business?

These are vendors that you can contract with and purchase services from.

Where should I look for funding and capacity support?

These organizations provide grants, funding, and capacity-building resources to independent news businesses.

What organizations offer training, resources, and information relevant to running my news business?

These organizations provide learning opportunities to independent news entrepreneurs.

We hope you find this list helpful. If you have any questions about what’s listed here, please get in touch with LION’s Marketing Manager, Hayley Milloy, at [email protected].