Meet the LION Publishers Team


(In alphabetical order)


Elaine Díaz

Associate Director of Coaching
[email protected]
Elaine Díaz helps provide LION program participants with relevant, practical and actionable coaching by building a bench of coaches and analysts with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise; ensuring a high-quality, consistent experience for recipients of coaching; and designing and executing training programs for coaches and analysts. She previously founded Periodismo de Barrio, an independent investigative publication focused on social, environmental issues and climate change in Cuba. She has worked at Inter Press Service, the University of Havana and SembraMedia. Elaine is based in Miami, Florida.

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Stel Duncan

Associate Director of Technology
[email protected]
Stel Duncan maintains and improves LION’s tech stack, including its website, Salesforce, and connected systems. This integrated technology allows LION to collect, streamline, and analyze its program and membership data, which in turn helps the association understand how it can meet the needs of its members and glean important insights about the independent news industry. Stel previously worked at SFMade and Family Promise HCR, and is based in New York.

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Lisa Hunter

Director of Finance and Operations
[email protected]
Lisa Hunter oversees LION’s financial management, financial planning, and organizational operations. After her first career chapter leading nonprofit program evaluation teams, Lisa pivoted to finance: she got an MBA and went on to serve as Finance Manager at KIPP Northern California and Finance Director at Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center.  Lisa is based in the San Francisco Bay Area. More on Lisa.

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Shelly Hunter

Development Director
[email protected]

Shelly Hunter directs efforts to help build sustainable resources for LION. An accomplished fundraising professional with nearly 20 years of experience, she has managed cultural funding for the City of Savannah and led development teams at the ACLU of Oregon, the City of Portland, and YES! Media. She has also worked as an independent consultant, supporting the development of fundraising initiatives at emerging nonprofits, including Oregon Donor Alliance and Albina Vision Trust. She was raised on the coast of Georgia and studied in Egypt and Estonia before earning a master's in Public Administration. She currently resides in Georgia. More on Shelly.

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Chloe Kizer

Director of Data and Evaluation
[email protected]
Chloe applies her background in startup operations to strengthen LION’s products and programs by designing and managing systems for ongoing data collection, data management, KPI measurement and iterative product development while also managing the technology used by LION's members and stakeholders. Most recently she led the development of the Project Oasis database and research report for UNC-Chapel Hill. Chloe is based in Durham, North Carolina. More on Chloe.


Reshma Kothari

Finance & Operations Manager
[email protected]
Reshma Kothari helps LION achieve organizational excellence through financial management support and administrative operations. With a growing staff around the country, Reshma supports state compliance processes, staff and organizational operational excellence, and overall financial health. She most recently came from Benefits Data Trust, where she worked as a Partnerships Associate managing contracts, program impact, and technical support on proprietary products. Reshma is currently based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Chris Krewson

Executive Director
[email protected]
Chris Krewson works with LION Publishers’ Board of Directors to set the organization’s vision and strategic direction, executes its strategic plan, leads fundraising and budgeting, works closely with the Deputy Director and engages with industry groups. He’s a former VP of strategy for Spirited Media, former top editor at Philadelphia’s Billy Penn, and the former top digital editor for Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Morning Call of Allentown, Pa. He is based in Havertown, just outside Philadelphia.

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Sarah Gustavus Lim

Membership Director
[email protected]
Sarah Gustavus Lim oversees LION’s membership strategy to ensure that products and programs are supporting members as they move toward sustainability. She previously led national initiatives at the Solutions Journalism Network, worked in many different roles in public media, and was the executive director of national programs at the Native American-owned Koahnic Broadcast Corporation. Sarah is also the founder and former co-director of the New Mexico Local News Fund, which brings together journalists, philanthropic leaders, and community members around shared goals for the local news ecosystem. She’s based in Seattle, Washington. More on Sarah.

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Hayley Milloy

Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Hayley Milloy is responsible for designing and executing LION’s editorial and marketing strategy to grow LION’s membership, attract new publishers to LION’s programming, and communicate the association’s impact on the independent news industry. She got her start at the international Women in Manufacturing Association, where she led membership growth and marketing efforts, and she most recently worked in higher education marketing at Case Western Reserve University. Hayley is currently based in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.


Andrew Rockway

Associate Director of Sustainability Audits
[email protected]
Andrew Rockway leads LION's Sustainability Audits program, assessing the health and sustainability of LION member businesses. He previously led the Trusted Elections Network and Local News Ideas-to-Action cohorts at the American Press Institute and the Your Voice Ohio media collaborative at the Center for New Democratic Processes. Andrew is based in western Wisconsin. More on Andrew.

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Dylan Sanchez

Research and Evaluation Associate
[email protected]
Dylan Sanchez supports LION’s operations by managing the data, systems and processes supporting daily operations at LION as well as providing technical assistance to the organization. He brings with him a background in project management, data analysis, and capacity building. Previously, Dylan served as a Public Health Advisor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention working to centralize responses to communicable diseases. He is currently based in Long Beach, California. 

Staff Demographics

We are committed to employing a diverse staff based on race/ethnicity, gender identity and/or expression, disabilities, and whether they identify as LGBTQIA+. Our staff self-identifies as:

  • White/Caucasian/European: 6 | Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx: 2 | Black/African American/African: 2 | Asian American/Pacific Islander/Asian: 1
  • Female: 7 | Male: 4
  • Cisgender (not transgender): 11 | Transgender: 0
  • Heterosexual: 7 | LGBTQIA+: 3 | Decline to state: 1
  • Person without a disability: 10 | With a disability: 0 | Decline to state: 1
  • Born in country of residence: 10 | Immigrated to country of residence: 1

Staff Disclosures

The LION Publishers staff is committed to providing our members, our board of directors, and the public with transparent disclosures on the companies and businesses we’ve worked, or currently work with, in the course of our careers. Here are our staff disclosure statements.

Interested in working with us?

We post open roles here, and are always interested in hearing from prospective consultants or contractors with experience supporting independent news entrepreneurs.